Imagination & Alchemy Holding Hands

abundance alchemy financial imagination manifesting money morgana rae Jan 05, 2023

Today I have the great pleasure of being the host on Day 3 of the Virtual Blog Tour of author Morgana Rae whose book Financial Alchemy: Twelve Months of Magic and Manifestation launches on Amazon on Monday January 23, 2023.

MORGANA RAE is the international #1 best-selling author of “Financial Alchemy: Twelve Months of Magic and Manifestation.” She is regarded to be the world’s #1 authority on transforming relationship with money. She has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, Yahoo Finance, all the major television networks, Coast to Coast Radio, and she was a recurring Money Maven on Fox TV.  Morgana’s fans call her “the Money Goddess” because of the many documented examples of clients making unexpected income of 4, 5, 6, and even 7 figures within hours of changing their relationship with money. A pioneer in personal development for close to 30 years, Morgana writes, speaks, and coaches from a desire to empower idealistic entrepreneurs, artists, healers, and humanitarians to have a big impact in the world… and to heal the rift between heart, spirit, and money.

In her book, Financial Alchemy, Morgana walks you through her time-tested program to turn your personal Money Monster of scarcity into a Money Honey of abundance. The book is a self-guided system to help you uncover your limiting blocks to abundance and transform your relationship with money using a SUCCESS FORMULA that keeps you on track and positively "magnetic".

Today, I'd like to share with you a recent interview I had with Morgana when I got to ask her some questions on attracting high-end clients plus other tips for coaches. I hope you enjoy it.


Dan Fowler: Clients often don’t do what they want to do. They feel like they must work to make money instead of doing what they want to do to make money. That’s so cruel. How can someone make the transition to making money by doing what they want to do?  

Morgana Rae: The answer’s very, very clear.  When you are in a relationship with a Money Monster, it’s like having a relationship with a slave driver who takes pleasure in torturing you. You will never get to do what you want to do and make money doing it.

Years ago a new coach came to me. Bill Baren had already made millions of dollars in the music industry, and that business no longer reflected his value system. He wanted to serve and help people, so he became a life coach. Suddenly he was struggling to make $25.00 an hour with one really bad client. (This sounds a lot like my own story before I changed my relationship with money.)

What I discovered, when I took him through my Financial Alchemy® process, was that even though he had a lot of money, he had a secret money monster that would not let him make money doing what he loved. We had to get rid of the monster! When we changed his relationship to a new “Money Honey,” who loves him, he could see how to build the seven figure coaching business, and in a few years he became one of the world’s leaders in life and business coaching.  

You must have a relationship with money that wants you to be happy, and then you can partner with money to find ways to do what your true purpose in life is. THAT is the key to making the transition. And I walk you through that process in my book.

When money is your partner and speaks to you for your highest good, you see opportunities that you never saw before. You hold yourself with a new level of self-worth, self-love and self-care that people respect, and are attracted to, and want to give money to.

Dan Fowler: Part of making significant money is becoming an expert.  How can someone who’s an introvert successfully market their expertise to arrive at fame and fortune?

Morgana Rae: Ha!  I actually created a program called “The Introvert’s Guide to Fame and Fortune,” (in my “Money Goddess Experience” home study course) because I really am an introvert.  There are wonderful strategies available, now that we have the worldwide web--with blogging and articles and videos like this for marketing. But I want to go back and talk about the connection between expertise and marketing. Becoming an expert is not about marketing.  Becoming an expert is about understanding the problem that you solve, and who has your problem, and caring about the person that you can help more than you care about your own shyness. I’m going to repeat that: becoming an expert is really about knowing really, really well the problem you solve… and caring about helping others more than you care about protecting your own little privacy bubble. I believe marketing is giving away free value. For me, it’s giving away free coaching to the masses.  Here I am, giving you advice for free!

So what I would encourage you to do is NOT focus on yourself. Focus, instead on the person that you are passionate about helping. Care about helping others first. Be generous helping others.  Communicate in the way that is most comfortable for you. This may be writing. It may be shooting videos. It may be having one-on-one coffee with people. It may even be standing on stage. Find what you do well, that you can do over and over and over again with the most joy and fun, because that’s super attractive.  Help as many people as you can, and allow the people that you help to establish your expertise… especially if you’re an introvert!

Dan Fowler: How can someone use magic in their relationship with money?

Morgana Rae: I love a quote by the author Arthur C. Clark.  He says, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”  When I talk about magic, I’m not talking about sitting on the couch, visualizing, waiting for the universe to do the work for you.  That’s not what I teach. That doesn’t evolve or empower you.  

What I DO believe, and what I have experienced: “magic” happens when we get into alignment with our goal. Magic happens when we stop pushing it away and protecting ourselves from what we want. 

And we do that subconsciously all the time. Our subconscious beliefs and attitudes are where we produce the bulk of our results.  Forget about your conscious mind. It’s not our mind-set that produces our results: It’s the stuff below it that we aren’t really aware of.

But when we get into alignment, and our hearts and our head are going in the SAME direction… it’s like the universe conspires to join us in that journey and that looks like magic.  And that’s good enough for me.

Like when Margot Dengel received her first child support check in over ten years… hours after completing the Financial Alchemy® process in my workbook.  Or when Alesia Zorn got a big job offer while journaling on the “How To Change Your Relationship with Money” chapter of my workbook.

And there’s one more piece I want to add to this conversation around magic--which gets left out a lot--and that is ACTION!  There is nothing more magical than action. 

As long as we’re sitting stuck in our head, visualizing and imaging stuff, it’s just an idea.  Ideas are great, but when you give some sort of physical expression to an idea, give it some physical reality, it becomes REAL. Do the scary thing and get up off the couch!  That’s when things happen. For example, Janet Breitmeir wasn’t making any money.  Her new relationship with money, her “Money Honey,” kept telling her to go take a walk. She was too busy trying to get clients and not succeeding, so she kept putting her walk off for weeks. The day she finally went out and took the walk, she picked up two new clients at a higher rate than she had ever charged before.

Katie Curtin made an agreement with her new (personified) “Money Honey” to go skating. Nothing happened until three days later she actually went skating, came home and received a phone call and $10,000 without asking for it. Action!  Action is necessary for magic!


I hope you enjoyed this interview with Morgana Rae and that you’ll check out her book Financial Alchemy: Twelve Months of Magic and Manifestation at

Here's why:

Money, Love & Magic Telesummit! 

11 Money, Love & Magic Mentors Share Their Wisdom on this

FR*EE 3-Day Online Event

January 17th, 18th & 19th, 2023

12pm Pacific/3pm Eastern/8pm UK

Book your place FREE at

Over the course of 3 days, Morgana and her guests will be exploring how unlock your magical powers of manifestation to attract money effortlessly by putting LOVE first. 

Here's Morgana's wonderful guest line-up:

  • Morgana Rae – Coach, speaker, author of Financial Alchemy: Twelve Months of Magic and Manifestation @Morganarae
  • Michael Stratford - Master Coach; Founder of MillionQuest. @GamifyYourLife
  • Gabriela Berrospi - @gabywallstreet  Forbes Finance Council Enseño a invertir en la bolsa de valores desde cero. Latino Wall Street.
  • Jennifer Mclean - @meetjennmclean  Author, Healer, Wellness Entrepreneur | Host, Healing With The Masters | Creator, Living Your Success Signature Business
  • Doria Cordova - @DCCordova  CEO Excellerated Business Schools® for Entrepreneurs/Money & You® Uplifting Humanity's Consciousness Through Business since 1979. Join our Global Network!
  • Marshall Burtcher - @bmburtcher  Helping people-pleasers and codependents experience lasting peace, fulfilling purpose, and loving relationships in their daily lives
  • Evan Marc Katz - @evanmarckatz  Dating coach for smart women who have everything but the guy. Apply to Love U to gain confidence with men and create an easy, happy, committed relationship now.
  • Pirie Jones Grossman - @pjgwellnessgirl  Helps midlife women create their next best chapter! Best selling Author, 🎤TEDx Speaker, Psychologist
  • Summer McStravick - @flowdreaming  originator of Flowdreaming®, creator of M.E. School™, and Born to Make™.
  • Shalini Yamdagni -@ShaliniYamdagni  Int'l Pain Relief Expert. Best selling author of INSTANT PAIN RELIEF. Helping you break free from pain and create the life you want.
  • Harrison Klein - @harrisonklein  My passion is helping people with their life paths through consciousness awareness. I love seeing people get to their 'a-ha!' moments.


This special 3-Day telesummit is Morgana’s FR*EE gift to you

to celebrate the launch of her book, Financial Alchemy

coming out on Monday January 23, 2023.



When you buy Morgana’s book on Monday January 23, 2023, Morgana would like to give you the MP3 downloads of the Money, Love & Magic telesummit.


You'll also receive a complete library of beautiful personal development gifts from authors, speakers, coaches and other enlightened professionals from around the globe including one from me:


To claim your FREE pass to the Money, Love & Magic Telesummit!

and read about the free gifts, go to:

Thanks for reading! As usual, please feel free to share your comments and thoughts below. I love reading your feedback.

Be Blessed and Be a Blessing,

Dan Fowler, The Imagination Engineer

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