Why would Money want to be with YOU?
Jan 12, 2023
Today I have the great pleasure of being a host AGAIN on the Virtual Blog Tour of author Morgana Rae whose book Financial Alchemy: Twelve Months of Magic and Manifestation (10 Year Anniversary Edition) launches on Amazon on Monday January 23, 2023.
MORGANA RAE is the international #1 best-selling author of “Financial Alchemy: Twelve Months of Magic and Manifestation.” She is regarded to be the world’s #1 authority on transforming relationship with money. She has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, Yahoo Finance, all the major television networks, Coast to Coast Radio, and she was a recurring Money Maven on Fox TV. Morgana’s fans call her “the Money Goddess” because of the many documented examples of clients making unexpected income of 4, 5, 6, and even 7 figures within hours of changing their relationship with money. A pioneer in personal development for close to 30 years, Morgana writes, speaks, and coaches from a desire to empower idealistic entrepreneurs, artists, healers, and humanitarians to have a big impact in the world… and to heal the rift between heart, spirit, and money.
In her book, Financial Alchemy, Morgana walks you through her time-tested program to turn your personal Money Monster of scarcity into a Money Honey of abundance. The book is a self-guided system to help you uncover your limiting blocks to abundance and transform your relationship with money using a SUCCESS FORMULA that keeps you on track and positively "magnetic".
Today, I'd like to share with you a recent interview I had with Morgana when I got to ask her some questions on the true nature of Financial Alchemy. I hope you enjoy it.
Dan Fowler: What is it about money that seems to constantly trip up smart, savvy, spiritual women and keep them from really prospering financially?
Morgana Rae: Well, there are a lot of things. It’s not an accident when women and smart savvy spiritual people are not making the money they should be making, need to be making, deserve to be making. What’s going on is there’s an unconscious conflict and some of it’s really easy to identify. We’ve all heard the biblical injunction that money is the root of all evil. If you’re reading this, I would say the odds are pretty high that you don’t want to be evil.
And then we see all of these bad guys who make billions from fraud. Bernie Madoff. Elizabeth Holmes. Sam Bankman-Fried. And in the movies—who are the villains? The rich folk! Think of “It’s A Wonderful Life.” We learn this from an early age, and then we just keep seeing this association of the people with money being bad guys. We don’t want to be the bad guys.
Then there are much more subtle things going on. For instance every time you said, “I can’t afford it,” you made money the bad guy, the scapegoat for what you couldn’t have or do or be. Imagine how many times you’ve had that thought over a life time, how many times money got in the way of your dreams.
Smart, savvy, spiritual women want to do good in the world. We want to be good people. We want to be loved. Then we see and feel money getting in the way of love. We’re not fools… so we choose love, and then we have no money!
And that doesn’t work, obviously. We know this, consciously, but our conscious mind is not where we get our results. Our unconscious mind is where we get our results. That’s why we work so hard and we can’t understand why things aren’t working.
So, the first step is to lift up the hood and look into the engine of your mind. You’re looking for any negative things that you’ve ever seen or heard or experienced about money--in your lifetime--because we’ve already established that money is the number one excuse for everything we can’t have, do or be.
Yes, money’s a bad guy in our world. I know it’s more than that: it’s not all bad. It’s neutral. It’s energy; it’s an exchange of value. Blah blah blah. All of this is true. But if you want to CHANGE YOUR RESULTS, I invite you to learn the art of Alchemy. Alchemy is the transmutation of lead into gold. And the first step is digging up the lead, getting really honest about what isn’t working, and creating the tension and the momentum necessary to create a change.
Dan Fowler: How would you explain the basics of Financial Alchemy®? How can Financial Alchemy® help us create a new relationship with money?
Morgana Rae: Well, I already started to jump the gun there when I was talking about Alchemy being the transmutation of lead into gold. And in my work, it’s the transmutation of leaden human experience into spiritual gold (which also, fortunately, translates into material gold, too).
First we uncover the Root Cause of your money drama. If you’re not making the money you should be making--that’s a really good indicator. Or, you make a lot of money, and you lose it. Maybe you spend it, or people steal from you, or cheat you. You’re not feeling secure. You’ve got a Money Monster.
The Root Cause is never really about money. Money problems are the symptom. The Root Cause comes earlier, and you’ll find it in what money REPRESENTS: love, worth, safety, and power. Anything that has every made you feel unloved, worthless, unsafe, or powerless, is going to show up in your relationship with money.
Then we take that cause and make money into a “person,” because that’s the only relationship we, as people, understand. Many great teachers talk about relationship with money, but they’re talking about money as an abstract concept. Money as an idea. As energy. As a tool. As an exchange of value. That’s not a real relationship. Not like a relationship with a person who has feelings and thoughts of his own.
When we personify the problem as your “Money Monster,” change becomes much easier. Because we all know how to end a relationship with a person. We can use that experience to end the Money Monster relationship that doesn’t serve us.
We also want to create an extreme contrast. That’s what produces the most dramatic real world results—Caroline Konnoth manifesting $86,000 overnight. That kind of thing. We create an all-bad Money Monster, the dream killer, and replace it with its opposite. The “Money Honey.”
It’s a 6 step process to get there, and I devote the first section of my book to this process.
Dan Fowler: You talk about "living a charmed life." How would you define a charmed life, and how does one go about creating it?
Morgana Rae: My definition of a charmed life is living in alignment with what’s going on. Learning how to get in partnership with the universe. It feels like things fall in your lap. And a great trick for getting that to happen is getting rid of the stuff that gets in the way.
Get rid of the inner obstacles. Get rid of the overwhelming to-do list. Get rid of the stuff that sucks your energy and diminishes your happiness.
And the results come very quickly. Like when Laura Koehne made $10,000 within 48-hours of getting rid of her Money Monster. It’s so much easier to move forward when your subconscious isn’t hitting the brakes!
I’ve found conversations with my (personified) Money Honey have been my best strategy for charmed living. By definition your Money Honey loves you and speaks to you for your highest good. There’s really good guidance waiting for you, there.
And yes the money results are great, but that’s only touching the surface. The REAL change is so much bigger and deeper. It’s a feeling of belonging, a love of life, a feeling of worth, a feeling of safety and trust, a feeling of readiness for anything.
I hope you enjoyed this interview with Morgana Rae and that you’ll check out her book Financial Alchemy: Twelve Months of Magic and Manifestation at https://www.morganarae.com/book-prelaunch-2023
Here's why:
Money, Love & Magic Telesummit!
11 Money, Love & Magic Mentors Share Their Wisdom on this
FR*EE 3-Day Online Event
January 17th, 18th & 19th, 2023
12pm Pacific/3pm Eastern/8pm UK
Book your place FREE at https://www.morganarae.com/book-prelaunch-2023
Over the course of 3 days, Morgana and her guests will be exploring how unlock your magical powers of manifestation to attract money effortlessly by putting LOVE first.
Here's Morgana's wonderful guest line-up:
- Morgana Rae – Coach, speaker, author of Financial Alchemy: Twelve Months of Magic and Manifestation @Morganarae
- Michael Stratford - Master Coach; Founder of MillionQuest. @GamifyYourLife
- Gabriela Berrospi - @gabywallstreet Forbes Finance Council Enseño a invertir en la bolsa de valores desde cero. Latino Wall Street.
- Jennifer Mclean - @meetjennmclean Author, Healer, Wellness Entrepreneur | Host, Healing With The Masters | Creator, Living Your Success Signature Business
- Doria Cordova - @DCCordova CEO Excellerated Business Schools® for Entrepreneurs/Money & You® Uplifting Humanity's Consciousness Through Business since 1979. Join our Global Network!
- Marshall Burtcher - @bmburtcher Helping people-pleasers and codependents experience lasting peace, fulfilling purpose, and loving relationships in their daily lives
- Evan Marc Katz - @evanmarckatz Dating coach for smart women who have everything but the guy. Apply to Love U to gain confidence with men and create an easy, happy, committed relationship now.
- Pirie Jones Grossman - @pjgwellnessgirl Helps midlife women create their next best chapter! Best selling Author, 🎤TEDx Speaker, Psychologist
- Summer McStravick - @flowdreaming originator of Flowdreaming®, creator of M.E. School™, and Born to Make™.
- Shalini Yamdagni -@ShaliniYamdagni Int'l Pain Relief Expert. Best selling author of INSTANT PAIN RELIEF. Helping you break free from pain and create the life you want.
- Harrison Klein - @harrisonklein My passion is helping people with their life paths through consciousness awareness. I love seeing people get to their 'a-ha!' moments.
This special 3-Day Summit is Morgana’s FR*EE gift to you
to celebrate the launch of her book, Financial Alchemy
coming out on Monday January 23, 2023.
When you buy Morgana’s book on Monday January 23, 2023, Morgana would like to give you the MP3 downloads of the Money, Love & Magic telesummit
You'll also receive a complete library of beautiful personal development gifts from authors, speakers, coaches and other enlightened professionals from around the globe including one from me:
To claim your FREE pass to the Money, Love & Magic Telesummit!
and read about the free gifts, go to:
Thanks for reading! As usual, please feel free to share your comments and thoughts below. I love reading your feedback.
Blessings to you,
Dan Fowler, The Imagination Engineer
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