Ready to Break the Chains of Creative Captivity?
Dec 08, 2022
Ready to Break the Chains of Creative Captivity?
The door opens slightly and we peer into the room filled with only a small desk, futon and an overcrowded closet with an apparent lack of organization. But we love this room. This is our creative sanctuary where our ideas, thoughts, feelings and a lot of tears call home.
We’ve created so many things between these four walls that have never seen the light of day. Our excuse has always been, “I made them for ME.” This is an easy evasion for us, because it is half true. However, the other half we ignore is also very true. We long for our creations and innovative ideas to be seen, appreciated and loved by others outside of this room.
We see other visionary creators accomplish this, so why can’t we do it consistently as well? We know that’s possible, but we haven’t cracked the code of simplicity…yet; and it weighs heavy on our souls.
This part of our creative expression does not come as easily as our direct acts of creation moments that simply flow out from our ethereal state to our material world. We have recognized that the path to the treasure of transmuting our hidden brilliance into a lifestyle where we can take care of ourselves financially and continue to birth new things that we adore, is a barely lit corridor in which we tend to get lost on a regular basis.
My friends, it does not have to be this way.
I say “WE” because I, too, have been on a similar path over the last 18 years with peaks and valleys along the way. I am first and foremost a creative juggernaut, like many of you, and was stuck in the mud, spinning my wheels in the profitability arena, like a lot of you, until about 9 short years ago.
Now that I have deeply embodied the art of being an imagination engineer (bringing ideas and creations into the world powerfully and profitably), I have embarked on a quest to guide other visionary creators across the choppy seas of shattered dreams and finally arrive where X truly does mark the spot.
My veteran visionary vessel has crossed these waters many times and still carries me and my creations that I wish to share with the “new world” each and every time.
I am now opening my legendary ship to other passengers and their dreams besides my own. Might you be seeking passage to the promised land that you have yet to visit? I know the way; been many times, and I have the vehicle for the passage you seek. All that is left is for you to charter a trip and collaborate with me as your guide.
Intrigued about this Visionary Creator Odyssey that I have composed for creatives JUST LIKE YOU?
Good! Shows that your gifted Spidey-sense is tingling, and you should pay attention. Awareness is the first step towards the voyage of imagination and manifestation and you’ve just crossed the gang-plank.
So let’s spin the helm and get this ship out of dock!
I personally invite you to explore more voyage details about the Visionary Creator Odyssey that we could take together to where X marks your spot.
Please spend a moment and visit my page that lays out our epic adventure and if you feel like this could be the chartered journey that could change everything for you; making it finally possible to reach the shores of the “New World”, I encourage you to fill out the simple application so we can set up a time to chat and get to know each other better and see if you are to be one of the next visionary creators who will master the art of imagination engineering as many others have before.
Click the button below and take a peek, and above all else, FEEL AT HOME.
[Unfurl your sails…a bit]
I look forward to connecting with your brilliance in a deeper and more meaningful way.
Be Blessed and Be a Blessing.
Dan Fowler, The Imagination Engineer
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